I've been working a little bit trying to get a head start on 2012.
It's been sad not having the Workshop Wizard on the demonstrator web site anymore so I decided to create my own Workshop of the Month. This WOTM spans all of Sale-a-Bration instead of the month of January. I'll be working on January's over the weekend but I thought I'd share my SAB wizard sheet with you other fabulous demonstrators for FREE. This has ALL the details you could need, at least I think so. These projects build upon each other so follow them in order to make sure you don't miss any supplies.
Inkerbelle's Sale-a-Bration 2012 Workshop PDF.
The ideas are pictured in the datasheet as well. I did not post instructions because I try to make all of my projects able to be recreated just by looking at the finished picture. However, let me know if you need guidance. I also highlighted groups of items that total $50 and a SAB choice to go along with them. You should see what I mean. Also, checkboxes indicate Starter Kit items so you can talk about that awesome promotion, too. Hope this helps!
Have a peaceful New Year and don't work too hard. I never do.
From Stampin' Up!'s laziest demonstrator,
(and the fur kids: Pubbadools, Miles....and the foster furs, Buddy and Jerry )
It's been sad not having the Workshop Wizard on the demonstrator web site anymore so I decided to create my own Workshop of the Month. This WOTM spans all of Sale-a-Bration instead of the month of January. I'll be working on January's over the weekend but I thought I'd share my SAB wizard sheet with you other fabulous demonstrators for FREE. This has ALL the details you could need, at least I think so. These projects build upon each other so follow them in order to make sure you don't miss any supplies.
Inkerbelle's Sale-a-Bration 2012 Workshop PDF.
The ideas are pictured in the datasheet as well. I did not post instructions because I try to make all of my projects able to be recreated just by looking at the finished picture. However, let me know if you need guidance. I also highlighted groups of items that total $50 and a SAB choice to go along with them. You should see what I mean. Also, checkboxes indicate Starter Kit items so you can talk about that awesome promotion, too. Hope this helps!
Have a peaceful New Year and don't work too hard. I never do.
From Stampin' Up!'s laziest demonstrator,
(and the fur kids: Pubbadools, Miles....and the foster furs, Buddy and Jerry )
Found this post via Stampin' Connection. Thanks for sharing!