I had fifteen comments on the Zentangle Puzzle Coaster Entry. Thank you and thank you even more for the eloquent and heartfelt memories that you shared about mom. It is definitely a time to reflect, eh?
So, without further adieu.... Drum roll, please! The True Random Number Generator widget has selected comment entry #5:
So, without further adieu.... Drum roll, please! The True Random Number Generator widget has selected comment entry #5:

Lana DanielMay 1, 2014 at 11:27 PM
mother was a wonderful artist. She gave me the tools and the
instruction to develop into the artist I am today. But most of all she
passed along her genetic art/science ability that seems to "run in the
Congratulations, Lana! Email me at apbelair@gmail.com to give me your mailing details. Enjoy the coasters!

Thank you to all who participated and stay tuned for the next giveaway!